Dzurinda: The EU needs to become a global power

Slovakia’s former head of government Mikuláš Dzurinda delivers an answer to his Hungarian colleague Viktor Orbán, who recently suggested him the creation of a “new axis” in the EU. The President of the Wilfried Martens Centre also talks about the future of the V4 cooperation, the necessity of reforms on the EU level, and how […]

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Hoping to Exceed Low Expectations

Israel has been bombarded by a barrage of rocket fire by Hamas and other Jihadi groups emanating from Gaza this week causing it to recalibrate its national security strategy. Israel’s doctrine of deterrence hangs into balance how ever long this dangerous round of violence may last. Author: Jared Feldschreiber In August 1988, the Islamic Resistance Movement, […]

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Cullinane: Hungary is one of Biden’s major issues

US-European relations expert Scott Cullinane shares his thoughts on the differences between the Trump and the Biden administrations, the new president’s first international trip leading to the Old Continent, and why Hungary is one of the major policy questions the current US administration will have to tackle in the coming years. Host: Zoltán Kész President […]

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