Anita Posch: Bitcoin can eliminate corruption and retain privacy

In the CEA Talk podcast, cryptocurrency expert Anita Posch talked about different aspects of bitcoin, the blockchain technology revolutionizing the global financial system, the diminishing role of banks, how cryptocurrencies can help overcome Big Brother and why every regulatory plan makes the crypto world stronger. Host: Balázs Csekő The invention of bitcoin has solved a […]

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Ádám Bartha: The UK will see some increased pain

Think-tanker Ádám Bartha was the latest guest of the CEA Talk podcast. He discussed Brexit and its consequences, the relations between Brussels and Washington, and the chances of the Hungarian opposition at the upcoming parliamentary election. Host: Zoltán Kész A lot of things in the UK are about Brexit these days, as the first difficulties […]

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Vladan Lausevic: The era of struggle between digital democracy and digital dictatorship

Social entrepreneur Vladan Lausevic was recently the guest of the CEA Talk podcast. He talked about liquid democracy, the necessity of decentralized social media, the creation of a world parliament and how robotization and artificial intelligence could empower humans. Host: Balázs Csekő The idea came up in the late 1960s. James C. Miller wrote about […]

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